Mikael Staer Nathan


Appstract was a unique take on personal cloud storage, which aimed to marry the best of desktop interactions with the best of standard cloud storage apps. Bringing a more visual, desktop-like interface (vs. list-based competitors) that could be directly manipulated by the user, the app aimed to improve ease-of-use.

  • Role Lead UI/UX, Product Design, Interaction Design
  • Output Web app
  • 2012

The living Message Window. Depending on state and user interaction, it would display different kinds of information, going from inactive to animated when uploading, or showing important notifications with further context menus.

For example, the upload indicator gradient would shift and animate during upload.

Music player
The music player could handle customizable playlists and even display album artwork. It would automatically pull in any MP3 files uploaded to your account.

Icon set
Some of the icons and file types created for the app. I designed a nearly complete, mime-type matched icon set.